Actions from North Area Panel meeting 5th September 2023


Deadline for staff to respond: {9am on Thursday 9th November}


All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.


Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised



Response including what is completed & outstanding

Is Action Completed or Outstanding?

Date Action completed

or planned completion date?









Agree a date with Ian Beck to visit Tavistock Down and deal with the outstanding issues raised in NA2 from the previous action log as the job has not yet been actioned.

Justine Harris

The Housing Estates Service has removed the garden waste, weeded the pavements and cut back bushes at the bottom end of Tavistock Down. This was prioritised due to the access issues it was creating.  The rest of the estate is on a waiting list to be tidied up, this includes weeding and cut back.  It is hard to give timescales as it’s weather and work priority dependent.



Sep/Oct 2023



In relation to NA3 from the previous action log, advise Barney Miller of City Parks response on general grass cutting as verbal update not given at AP.

Justine Harris/Robert Walker

At time of writing a response from CityParks is outstanding.






In relation to NA9 from the previous action log, arrange a visit to Southmount before the end of the month to review refuse collection issues.

Martin Reid/Melissa Francis

Estates Services Manager, Chloe McLaughlin and Justine Harris undertook a site visit. Cars are sometimes preventing the bin trucks being able to access the bin stores, there are also not enough bins for the number of properties, these are now on order.   


October 23



In relation to NA5 from the previous action log, follow up with Jim Hornsby directly to further discuss the decision that leaseholders/residents cannot be allowed access to the roof of Mimosa Court.

Geof Gage






In relation to NA6 from the previous action log, consider what communications can be put out to acknowledge that the installation of solar panels at Mimosa Court was a resident initiative.

Martin Reid, and Geof Gage







In relation to NA7 from the previous action log, further look into why no mowing is being done at Mimosa Court and resolve issues outside of the meeting.

Sam Warren, Rebecca Mann, Justine Harris and Martin Reid/Robert Walker

Answer - At time of writing awaiting response from CityParks.






Follow up with Jenny Simmonds regarding an update on the requested works in her hallway that are outstanding.

Grant Ritchie

We have been in contact with Jenny and the decoration of her hall has been organised.


Nov 2023


Follow up with Heather Hayes regarding the EDB bid for outstanding works to be undertaken at the youth club in Coldean.

Sam Warren

The EDB works can't happen until repairs have been carried out. This has recently been actioned, a verbal update will be provided to the commencement of outstanding EDB works at Area Panel.




In response to Theresa Mackey’s query, confirm the lifespan of level access showers.

Martin Reid/Grant Ritchie

There is no exact answer however I would expect a well installed floor that has been maintained during its lifetime to last more than 10 years.


Nov 2023


In relation to RQ N3.8 and Donna James’ request, provide signage and install cameras at Bates Estate.

Justine Harris

The signage has been ordered and delivered. Chloe McLaughlin and Justine Harris are undertaking a site visit on Tuesday 14th November to agree with residents where these will be located.

